IoT secure elements are specialized microcontrollers offering bullet-proof control of remote devices, e.g. for communication with a vending machine or an environmental sensor via Internet. These kind of IoT devices are usually unattended and work autonomously, and system owners will have to protect them against failure or unintentional operation. Objective is to prevent hackers from counterfeiting, cloning, stealing or altering involved objects or data or misusing the IoT application in general.
Similar security requirements also apply to payment or identification scenarios where smartcards are used by humans as security tokens. Consequently, manufacturers are leveraging smartcard chip technology and shielding techniques. In fact, most secure elements are smartcard IC derivatives – offered by very few chip manufacturers with long experience and skills in this particular business.
Target Applications
IoT secure elements are aiming at remote applications requiring strong authentication of connected devices and secure data exchange with them. In addition, IoT secure elements can help to ensure device integrity, e.g. protect boot process and validate firmware updates of the network device. Related processes are protected by sophisticated hard- and software countermeasures against advanced physical and logical attacks.
IoT means that devices are connected via Internet, but similar authentication techniques (i.e. IoT secure elements reviews here) can also be used for peripherals or consumables (e.g. power-tool batteries) or accessories (e.g. an audio headset) connected to a host device via wired interface – for safety reasons or business support (brand protection, anti-counterfeiting). In addition, secure counters can enable some business models, e.g. to limit usage of a connected device.
How Public-Key Cryptography can help
A fundamental ingredient of secure communication systems is public–key cryptography (or asymmetric cryptography) which is an encryption scheme. Other than symmetric cryptography, public-key cryptography uses a pair of keys which are different but mathematically linked to each other: i.e. a public key, which may be disseminated widely, and a private key, which are known only to the “owner”. In a one-to-one electronic communication one of the keys (either public or private – depending on use case) is used by the sender, the other one is used by the recipient.
Figure 1: Symmetric vs. asymmetric keys (©
Public-key cryptography has a big advantage when compared to classic symmetric crypto schemes where same unique secret key is used by sender as well as by recipient: effective security requires keeping only the private key as a secret; the public key can be openly distributed without compromising security → key distribution and key storage are much easier to handle. But due to the fact that one key is public, asymmetric crypto algorithms are more complex and require longer key lengths compared to symmetric cryptography – at the same level of security. For example, security provided with a 1024-bit key using asymmetric RSA is considered approximately equal to an 80-bit key in a symmetric algorithm like AES.
In general, public-key cryptography can solve different fundamental security problems related to one-to-one communication scenarios:
- protect message privacy, i.e. nobody else is able read contents of message
- verify authenticity of sender, i.e. sender identity is tamper-proof and unique
- ensure integrity of message, i.e. make sure that nobody is able to modify message contents on its way to the recipient
Problem 1 can be solved by data encryption, i.e. sender uses the public key of the recipient → decryption can be done with recipient’s private key only. Problem 2 and 3 can be solved by use of a digital signature – to be applied using the sender’s private key. So, how does this work?
Message Authenticity and Integrity
In general, the sender’s private key is used to sign a message, and all recipients can verify the sender’s authenticity with the sender’s public key. In order to limit required computational effort to create a digital signature, only the hash value of the message is encrypted, not the complete message itself. What does “hash” mean? A hashing algorithm is a mathematical function that condenses data to a fixed size, a hash is a fingerprint of the original data. On top of that a secure hash is irreversible and unique. Irreversible means “one-way”, i.e. from the hash itself you couldn’t figure out what the original piece of data was, therefore allowing the original data to remain secure and unknown. Unique means that two different pieces of data can never result in the same hash value. Today, for digital signatures SHA-2 algorithms are common, e.g. SHA-256 with a hash length of 256 bit.
Figure 2: Signature creation and verification process (©
So, on sender side (see Figure 2) the message will be hashed, encrypted with sender’s private key (aka “signed”) and attached to the message before being transmitted via a public (i.e. unsecured) network. In order to verify sender authenticity and message integrity this signature will be decrypted with the sender’s public key on receiver side. This operation creates H*(M). For verification purposes the received message M* will be hashed using the same hash algorithm as on sender side. This auxiliary hash H(M*) must be identical to the received decrypted hash H*(M). If not equal, very obviously something is wrong, either because
- used public key on sender side does not match → authentication of sender ha failed or
- received message is not identical with original message → message contents is not trustworthy
Practically, for Internet communication, mutual TLS (mTLS), an option of the TLS protocol is used to extend described one-way authentication between IoT client and server. Instead, a two-way authentication of both parties is performed at the same time (using a challenge-response approach) before any data exchange will start.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
In general, a public key represents an electronic identity of a person or an object. With a public key you can verify a digital signature, i.e. authenticity of the sender, but it does not provide any information about the sender itself. This why a public key infrastructure (PKI) is required for every application using public-key cryptography.
A PKI consists of a set of policies and a an associated system that manage the creation, distribution, revocation and administration of electronic identities incl. corresponding key pairs. PKI is about how two entities can trust each other in order to exchange messages securely. Usually, this is done by means of delegated trust using certificates issued be a mutually trusted entity, a so-called certification authority (CA). Each certificate links a public key to the corresponding electronic identity, it contains relevant information required for the application to work properly and in a trustworthy and tamper-proof manner.
Figure 2: PKI Certificate (©
A PKI has to specify how new electronic identities are added to the application environment and how to revoke obsolete or expired certificates. An up-to-date certificate database must ensure that all valid public keys are available to all participants, i.e. all potential message recipients, e.g. via central online repository.
For large-scale rollouts of complex applications like a national citizen ID card a suitable PKI will be very complex (see Ref. 3), but for many IoT or industrial applications requirements might be much more simple and easier to implement, e.g. you might not need multiple “registration authorities”. Your PKI might be tailored to your application requirements and should be as simple as possible, but at least you will have to consider, specify and implement all relevant aspects how to handle and deploy public keys for all communication endpoints within your application environment .
Symmetric Authentication
Last but not least we should take a brief look at the classical cryptography using the same key on both sender and receiver side (see Fig. 3.). Achievable security does not fall behind public-key crypto schemes as long as secure algorithms (e.g. AES) with appropriate key lengths are used (see Ref. 2), but – by nature – key deployment is a challenge. Authentication of a network node can be done like this:
Figure 3: Symmetric Authentication (©
The idea is to create a shareable key for each IoT node. For this purpose a unique ID and a common secret is needed. Some manufacturers are assigning a unique serial number to each die (of a secure element) during production. In addition, all secure elements used in same application X must have a pre-installed common parent key X to be used as shared secret. Mentioned unique ID of node B in combination with the common parent key can be used to calculate a dedicated derived key B using a suitable and agreed hash algorithm
Now, in the field, to establish a secure connection between node A and node B the following process can be used:
- Node A requests node B serial number. Then, node A can calculate derived key B which does not have to leave the protected environment of a secure element at any time.
- Then, node A generates a random number (“challenge”) which is sent to node B. Node B calculates a hash value from received challenge in combination with derived key B. Result is returned to node A.
- Node A will perform same operation and compare both hash values. If values are not identical, node B is not authenticated.
This alternate method is simple and an example how symmetric cryptography can be used for some applications. It will work fine and securely as long as mentioned parent key X is present in all deployed IoT devices. No PKI is needed, but you will have to load the patent key securely into all devices and protect related production processes carefully, otherwise application X will at risk. In case mentioned parent key X has been uncovered somehow, you should have a plan how to replace the key and update all devices securely in the field somehow.
Proven Smartcard Security
A well-known IoT use case is remote access to power meters („Smart Meter“) where transmitted consumption data is automatically converted into an energy bill which is addressed to the registered customer – without any human interaction or control. Needless to say that energy providers are interested in an efficient infrastructure, but incorrect data delivery would cause financial loss resp. legal/liability problems. Consequently, these kind of applications require strong protection.
But what does “strong protection” mean? On the market you will find a lot of microcontrollers claiming to offer a “trusted zone” incl. „protected“ storage and a „secure“ operating system. In an effort to differentiate their products, manufacturers of secure elements are offering further evidence – provided by independent crypto experts, e.g. a Common Criteria “CC” certificate (see Ref. 4). In fact, successful security evaluation is mandatory for suppliers of national citizen ID cards or passports, for example.
In many cases, IoT applications will not require a CC certificate, but manufacturers would provide evidence that implemented protection measures offer a a high level of quality. But, of course, protection measures and related security evaluations are not available for free, i.e. CC-certified products will be more expensive (cost per square mm of chip size). In the end, a secure element will cost 0.50-1.00 EUR (see product overview table below) and related design decisions will have to follow prior risk analysis resp. good knowledge of potential attack scenarios and goals. So, is your application at risk because people can fake IoT electronic identities or tamper messages? How much money would you loose in this case?
Once you come to the conclusion that extra cost for an IoT secure element is justified, you should take a closer look at each security certificate provided. Does it cover hardware shielding only, i.e. attacks by physical intrusion? Does it also offer protection against fault attacks or side-channel attacks, e.g. power analysis? See Ref. 5.
As a conclusion, IoT secure elements are offering ultimate protection for a private key, they can generate keys and execute crypto operations extremely fast due to dedicated hardware accelerators. In fact, an IoT secure elements offer perfect end-to-end security for IoT communication channels and other applications requiring strong tamper-protection (see section Target Applications).
Product Overview
As mentioned before, an IoT secure elements are usually derivatives of a smartcard IC – addressing a market which is covered by only a few chip manufacturers. For this article this is our selection of reviewed candidates:
- STMicroelectronics (“ST”) STSAFE-A110
- NXP A1006
- Microchip ATECC608A
- Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust M
Figure 4: Product Overview Table (©
For better visibility and further use you can download above table as a PDF here:
Note: In our product overview table we consolidated public information originated from websites and manufacturer documentation. If no public information has been found, respective field is blank.
Support for IoT Clouds
IoT applications are becoming increasingly popular also for large-scale deployments of networked devices for smart home applications, wearables for digital health, connected cars, distribution meters, point-of-sales machines, etc. This is why so-called IoT Clouds are offered by various big players like Google, IBM or Microsoft. IoT data platforms offer a jumping-off point by combining many of the tools needed to manage a deployment from IoT device management to data collection and analytics services. For IoT secure elements a PKI and a certification authority (CA) is offered. Our selection of secure elements are supported by
Depending on target application a different CA might be more appropriate or less expensive (or even free of charge, see, for example).
Chip Price
In general, purchase prices are subject to frequent change (e.g. due to currency exchange rate), and depend on quantities and negotiation. Consequently, in our product table we provide a price indication only – based on actual budgetary quotes published by manufacturer and/or distributors at publication date. For a reliable quotation you will have to contact your sales partner anyway. Price range of reviewed secure elements is around 0.50 – 1.00 EUR for 100 to 1000 units, depending on temperature version and provisioning service provided. Average priced products are marked “◇”, less expensive products are marked “▽”, more expensive products are marked “△”.
For STSAFE-A100 no public price was available on manufacturer or distributor websites which might be an indication that ST is mainly addressing big OEMs rather than small/medium-scale projects. For comparable PKI- resp. TLS-ready IoT products, price of Microchip ATECC608A is slightly lower than NXP A71CH or Infineon Trust M. Pre-provisioning fee might be around 0.15 EUR vs. “naked” customer-programmable variants. NXP A1006 does not offer full PKI capability, but should be available for prices around 0.40 EUR for 1k units
Provisioning Service
If public-key cryptography is being used for authentication, device identity (i.e. its private key) can be created inside chip. But each of our IoT secure elements still requires some non-standard provision, i.e. injection of a “root of trust” certificate of the selected PKI resp. IoT cloud (e.g. Google Core IoT Core) resp. a customer-specific “leaf” CA. For evaluation and test purposes a customer can configure small quantities himself (e.g. via vendor development kit), but for mass roll-out the OEM customer production facilities and processes incl. chip provisioning have to meet a certain level of security requirements. Some manufacturers are offering pre-configured “read-to-use” product variants for supported IoT clouds, but unit cost might be slightly higher (i.e. a few cents) compared to “empty” products. On top of that, most manufacturers are offering customer-specific provisioning in their (chip) production facilities, but minimum order quantities of several kunits apply (see product overview table)
In general, all IoT secure elements reviewed are running a proprietary operating system which does not support to add customer applications, i.e. API and command sets are fixed. They also offer a protected user memory of a few kB, mainly for internally used private keys and certificates. In our product overview table we have marked a couple of potential low-lights (red fields) and high-lights (green fields) which might be relevant for your application. Here are some additional comments:
NXP A71CH, Microchip ATECC608A
Both NXP A71CH and Microchip ATECC608A offer “plug-and-play support” for IoT Clouds resp. for off-the-shelf TLS stacks incl. ready-to-use pre-provisioned chips for these environments. Complemented by development kits, comprehensive API documentation and state-of-the-art online support services (e.g. option for private support requests) NXP A71CH and Microchip ATECC608A are good choices even for small/medium-size PKI projects – with distribution as supply channel. No NDA or further provisioning service might be required.
Besides for IoT/PKI networks both products can be used as a versatile crypto toolbox for a tailored application-specific solution. For this purpose customer-programmable “empty” product versions are available at lower prices – with Microchip ATECC608A even less expensive vs. all others (except NXP A1006).
Unfortunately, Microchip does not provide any information or evidence about implemented security measures of ATECC608A. Also NXP did not perform any independent security evaluation of A71CH, but points out that a patent for SPA and DPA countermeasures from Cryptography Research Incorporated (CRI) has been used which is covering both hardware and software countermeasures. On the other hand, both NXP and Microchip (esp. acquired former Atmel Corporation) have achieved various certificates for other smartcard IC platforms, e.g. for governmental applications like ePassport. Secure element designs will certainly benefit from this expertise. And for most IoT applications an official security certification might not be mandatory anyway, i.e. would unnecessarily increase product price. This is what Microchip and NXP might tell you, but should not stop you to ask related questions…
Infineon Trust M
In general, Infineon Trust M plays in the same league, but does not offer the same level of “plug-and-play” integration with IoT Clouds. Infineon Trust M supports various PKI models, e.g. use of Infineon CA or a customer CA or IoT Cloud CA (e.g. AWS). Some of these models are accompanied by customer-specific provisioning, others can be handled by customer completely independent from Infineon. By default, each chip comes with its own identity, i.e. unique ECC key pair accompanied by a certificate signed by Infineon root CA.
For users who have a tailored security solution in mind, the Trust M cryptographic toolbox Infineon offers best-in-class comprehensive documentation and open source host code on a dedicated GitHub section: Trust M is the only candidate offering RSA algorithm, e.g. for integration of Trust M secure elements into an existing PKI. Another highlight is an unrivalled Common Criteria EAL6+ certificate for Trust M.
ST STSAFE-A100/110
STSAFE-A is offering a similar set of features as Infineon Trust M, NXP A71CH and Microchip ATECC608A, but only poor public information for potential customers without a signed non-disclosure-agreement (NDA) in place. Support for IoT Clouds is not mentioned at all. Consequently, all customers (incl. distribution customers for small/medium-size projects) will have to identify the local ST FAE and sign an NDA. ST recommends to handle provisioning for them (MOQ of 5 ku applies), see this thread in ST Community.
For users of popular STM32 microcontroller, ST is offering comprehensive software support incl. an X-CUBE-SBSFU Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update solution allowing to securely revise the firmware of the IoT device. On top of that STSAFE-A products are EAL5+ CC-certified, and ST claims that also non-physical attacks like side-channel and fault attacks are covered. In addition, STSAFE-A offers support for strongest 384-bit ECC and 256-bit AES crypto.
NXP A1006
This product does not offer same level of PKI support and project scalability, but A1006 is an interesting low-cost alternative for applications requiring strong authentication or anti-counterfeiting of devices. Each A1006 is provisioned with a fixed unique ECC key pair and corresponding certificate that contains the device public key and additional information including a unique identifier and customizable fields. ECC key length is only 163-bit (vs. 256 bit used by other candidates), but countermeasures against invasive and non-invasive attacks provide a high level of attack resilience. A1006 offers lowest power consumption and smallest package at lowest price.
- Public-key cryptography, Wikipedia
- “NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part 3 Revision 1: Recommendation for Key Management: Application-Specific Key Management Guidance”, US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- “Public Key Infrastructure”, Tutorialspoint
- Common Criteria IT Security Evaluation, Wikipedia
- “Known Attacks Against Smartcards” by Hagai Bar-El, Discretix Technologies Ltd.