The P2M*DIO8 User Manual is the primary source of technical information. Besides all relevant technical data, it also provides practical advice for deployment and installation. It contains public information you can forward and publish elsewhere, if needed. Please make sure to download the latest version from here:

(to be added soon)

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions


Topic 1: Network Connectivity and SIM Handling


Question: For my project I have a certain location in mind. How can I figure out, if this specific geo position is covered by a mobile network?

Answer: Check it out (!) – using an inexpensive P2M*DIO8 Starter Kit, see here (link to be added). P2M modules combined with a suitable SMS antenna (applies to P2M*xxx-S models) are very sensitive and do require presence of a powerful RF signal. But also third-party tools can provide further information about nearby network access points (cell towers), For example, iPhones users can try this one:


Question: The P2M*DIO8 User Manual is mentions that several mobile networks are supported by a P2M module and embedded SIMs are originated either from various different mobile network operators (MNO). How can I determine which operator is used for my P2M module? How can activate the SIM and pay for P2M-related SMS traffic?

Answer: The P2M* product label contains a QR code and corresponding URL which is indicating which network operator is used and leads to the activation webpage of the operator. In fact, involved processes (e.g. for identification), procedures (e.g. for recharging) and subscription package options are MNO-specific. Consequently, the following FAQ section provides related information – separately for each of our MNO partners.


Ortel Mobile


Question: When and how can do I load SMS credits to the embedded Ortel SIM card in order to keep my P2M module operational?

Answer: Our downloadable document called “Ortel Mobile – SIM Activation and Recharge Basics” is covering all P2M-specific MNO aspects, explaining how to activate the embedded SIM card and how to ensure proper P2M* field operation via Ortel Mobile network, e.g. how to purchase credits for SMS uplink messages. As soon as the SIM card has been activated, the default “standard” rates will be applied by Ortel Mobile. On top of that, other commercial options are available, e.g. packages for international use or flat rate tariffs. Further information and support about network-specific aspects and package options are provided directly by Ortel Mobile (

Ortel Mobile Support can be reached via
Phone: +49-177-177-1138


Question: For my project I am planning to use an P2M*DIO8 device to manage equipment residing in a rural area. How can I figure out in advance, if a specific target area can be reached “over-the-air” via my mobile phone?

Answer: Used Freeeway SIM card supports “national roaming”, so multiple networks can be used , i.e., are eligible for connection of an installed P2M* device. For example, in Germany all mobile networks are supported: Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, O2/Telefonica. So, very likely, your target deployment area will be covered by at least one of them 🙂 In case of doubt and for further information about network coverage in other countries please contact Freeeway.


Question: I noticed that SMS messages to my P2M* module must be sent to a phone number with a leading +31 national code. What does it mean to me – in terms of cost?

Answer: Due to EU regulation, national network providers are forced to offer phone calls and SMS messages within the European Union at the same price levele as national transactions. Typically, sending an SMS will be around 7-9 cents regardless to which of the 27 EU countries it goes (“Zone 1”). Check your contract. NOTE: Your network provider only charges for uplink SMS messages, i.e. SMS commands to the P2M module. For downlink SMS messages originated from your P2M modules, conditions of the selected Freeeway subscription apply, compare choices offered on portal.


Topic 2: Module Hard- and Software


Question: Can I add or modify the embedded software of a P2M* module somehow?

Answer: No, typically not. P2M* modules are OEM standard products which are offered as a “black box” with a fixed set of functions and an API for integration purposes. But customer-specific hard- and software modifications are available on request. Please contact .


Question: Can I use the 4 digital inputs to monitor a digitized parameter, e.g. the ambient temperature originated from a sensor?

Answer: P2M*DIO8 digital inputs are 1-bit ports which have been designed to read binary information originated from a switch or button or similar electromechanical component indicating a certain event or situation, e.g. an open door. The P2M device will return the actual status of each input port by SMS - separately. But, as four 1-bit input ports are available, these four input bits potentially can represent a coded digital value with an overall resolution of (up to) 16 bit. So, as a workaround, a user can read a multi-bit digital value, but has to do that sequentially, i.e. using separate SMS queries for each 1-bit input port.
